At long last I have embraced the digital.
My longing to create printable's and DIY art witch tutorials has eventually forced me to purchase an iPad and Apple Pencil. I have put it off for a while because I thought I could not make something with the same ‘feel’ as good old paper and paint. I changed my perspective by considering it a completely new medium to work with, rather than recreating pen and paint. I have been doodling, scribbling, testing and generally having quite a bit of fun with it.
I think the key to digital art is to play with it without trying to recreate something someone else has done, until you find that brush or pen or effect that brings you joy and allows your own magic touch to shine from the screen.
I hit a sweet spot at the weekend when I made a series of new cat guardians. I found the right pen and it felt so nice. At last I had made a digital connection! This revelation brought about many new ideas of things I want to create with this new medium, to the point where I thought I might need a lie down to process them all!
Although I will always love good old paper, pens and paint but this is a wonderful addition to my art witch life and I can let my imagination loose and dream up many wonderful things I can share with you.
Do you love free printable's too?
As a little taster of things to come you can download
my cat guardian artwork to make your own stickers to pop in your art journal or grimoire!
You will find other free printable's on my shop to download too!
I love to use printable's in my art journaling and daily diary, I print them on sticker paper and cut them out ready to use when I don't have a lot of time.
Try printing my cats in multiples on the page if you need a smaller size, or go full size and make a personal birthday card for someone!
Have some art witch fun and use a cat as your muse to add some kitty magic to your spells. They have some wonderful magical powers!